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Prayer for Nigerian on 64th Independence
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Virtual meeting scheduled to hold on the 27th of January
African Women Lawyers Association is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: 6YearStrategicPlan Time: Jan 27, 2022 04:00 PM Africa/Lagos Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84228804391?pwd=MkNzcDhoOUI3elNZS3E4NmEyTmRnQT09 Meeting ID: 842 2880 4391 Passcode: 070176 One tap mobile +19292056099,,84228804391#,,,,*070176# US (New York) +13017158592,,84228804391#,,,,*070176#…

Visibility and Opportunities at the workplace
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AWLA Celebrates its own CSP Yetunde Cardoso on her Promotion.
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Congratulations Efua Ghatey, President Elect of Ghana Bar
Dear Madam President Elect, We, the African Women Lawyers Association (AWLA), extend our warmest congratulations to you on your historic election as the first female President of the Ghana Bar. This remarkable achievement shatters glass ceilings and paves the way…