About AWLA International

AWLA @ 2017 Annual Conference of NBA
We protect and promote the rights and welfare of Women and Children
AWLA, is an NGO involved in the promotion, protection and preservation of the rights of women and children. These include their civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights.
Our aim is to organize women lawyers nationally, regionally and internationally, promoting the study of comparative law and advance the opportunities available to the women.
We create opportunities and spaces to network with other NGOs, Colleagues and co-operate with governmental organisations.

Our Country Chapters
Spread across the world , African Women Lawyers are coming together in different country chapters. Find some of them below
Our Story in pictures

Who we are
AWLA is an international Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) in Collaboration with the African Union, United Nations and consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) in-view.
Organised in 1997 in Nairobi City, Kenya by the visionaries (Hon. Betty Mould Iddrisu and her team) who became the Pioneer President of AWLA who was later succeeded by ( Amanda Demechi-Asagba. The association is also known as l’ASSOCIATION DE FEMMES JURISTES EN AFRIQUE (French name).
Our mission is to protect and promote the rights and welfare of women and children and the principal and aims of the United Nations and the African Union in their legal, social and economic aspects and particularly in challenges peculiar to the African woman and child
AWLA Consists of individual members and affiliate organisations. Individual members must be women admitted to the practice of law in their respective countries with some Africa root and or connection or partnership
Our Vision
To ensure a society free from abuse, discrimination and indignity to women and children.
Build a viable Women Lawyers advancement towards creating a sustainable inclusive democratic development in Africa
Our Mission
Protection, Promotion and Preservation of the rights, interest and welfare of Women and children in Africa and in diaspora.
AWLA is a non-profit, non-sectarian, non-partisan, non-governmental, voluntary, professional organization of women lawyers of African origin, by birth or by marriage, association and or by partnership in Africa and in diaspora. We are an NGO nvolved in the promotion, protection and preservation of the rights of women and children. These include their civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights.
Aims & Objectives
- We promote the welfare of Women & Children
- We organize women lawyers of African descent, by marriage, association and or partnership nationally, regionally and internationally, promoting the study of comparative law and advance the opportunities available to women.
- We create spaces to network with other NGOs and co-operate with governmental organisations.
- To promote the principles and aims of the African Union, the United Nations, African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (also called the ACRWC or Children’s Charter) adopted by the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) in 1990 (in 2001, the OAU legally became the African Union)
- Enhance the legal status of women and children
- Share information
- Increase capacity
- Lobby for gender equality through legislative reforms
- Public education and advocacy
- Gender Advocacy and Community Legal Education
- Strengthen existing legal frameworks
- Networking between African Women Lawyers
- Increase the involvement of women in power and in decision making
- Feature support and networking opportunities for African women lawyers
- Empowering women and children through skills acquisition, quality education technology trainings
- Target Market: Women and Children
Major achievements from inception to date
- Sensitization Of Women And Children On Their Rights And Access To Justice
- Influencing The Domestication Of The Child Rights Act and Violence Against Persons Prohibition Act In Various States
- Sensitization and awareness on actions and steps towards Elimination of Sexual and Gender-based Violence through Effective Implementation of the VAPP Act 2015, Child’s Rights Act and other related Laws
- Influencing Law Reforms Against Female Genital Mutilation, and harmful widowhood practices
- Sexual Harassment
- Domestic Violence
- Sexual and Reproductive Rights
- Obnoxious Cultural and traditional practices- Female Genital Mutilation, Child labor and exploitation, Child Marriage, Honor killings, Harmful widowhood practices
- Gender Inequality And Other Forms Of Discrimination Against Women and Children,
- Strengthening The Capacity Of Members
- Providing Open Fora For Discussions on All Matters Affecting Women And Children
- Advocating For Removal Of All Forms Of Discrimination Against Women And Children
- Promoting Their Rights And Interests
- AWLA commit to ensuring women get access to justice – free pro bono legal services and mediation services
- The more women knew their rights the greater their willingness to speak out and report, as well as help others and educate their children
Key Milestones
- Promulgation Of Law Against Domestic Violence Sexual Harrassment and Child Abuse
- Creation Of Help Centres, Probono Services, Raising Confident And Bold Children
Present Initiatives/Projects
- Home For Abused Women And Children
- Law Providing For Equitable Distribution Of Property At Divorce
- Law On Child Support Mandating The Father Of A Child To Be Fully Or 75 Percent Responsible For Providing For His Child And Or Children and to ensure that maintenance sum is commensurate with the child’s standard of living prior to divorce and or separation of the parents
- Law to provide protection and welfare services and compensation for victims of child defilement and products of the defilement ( children born due to the act of defilement).
- Law to protect the victim of abuse’s family
- Law to provide special family courts with one jurisdiction
- Law to apply ratified international treaties dealing with women and children directly into the National corpus juris to enable women and children access justice without hindrances( issues of non domestication of relevant laws to protect them)
- Law to ensure equal representation(50/50) in political nominations and appointments and in all other strata of society ( gender Character).
- Simplified handbooks on Laws on issues relating to the rights of women-!dealing with intestate succession, widows, child maintenance, domestic violence etc
We seek to realize our objectives mainly through three avenues:
AWLA has the privilege and the right to attend AU and UN meetings and sponsor sessions, events and meetings . We have featured at the ECOSOC CSW65 and some of its functional and special commissions; we participate in their work by making our position known on various subjects through oral interventions, presentations and written statements made at those meetings.
These conventions give us the opportunity to network and become personally acquainted with members from different regions and cultures, make a comparative study of some particular phase of the law, address current burning issues, write papers, and after debate, come to consensus conclusions, embodied in resolutions.
To keep open communication with our members and to keep them informed about our work and results, we publish The AWLA Newsletter.
AWLA is an opportunity to network and partnership with female lawyers.

Amanda Demechi-Asagba

Peju Oduye- Quadri
Secretary General

Rachael Kelsey

Esther Ebhodaghe
Programs team member
Become a Member
As a member, you will have the opportunity to impact and a platform to reach out and connect with your passion to make a difference in your country and the world in the promotion, protection and preservation of the rights and interests of women and children.
- Access to Networking with African Women Lawyers all over Africa and in diaspora
Opportunities for Legal Fraternity with over 5000 Lawyers